A primary aim of our society is to encourage growth and strength of biophysics in Canada.
Welcome to the Biophysical Society of Canada (BSC), the home of the growing community of biophysics researchers in Canada! Our primary mission is to showcase and promote the amazing research of Canadian biophysicists at all career levels and to advocate for more funding and employment opportunities in our interdisciplinary field. I am incredibly proud of our trainee-friendly activities, including conference travel and poster awards, the doctoral thesis award and the trainee paper award. Our faculty awards include the BSC Fellow Award, for exceptional contributions to biophysics, and the Early Career Award, for major achievements in the first ten years of tenure. We organize networking mixers for Canadian biophysicists at the Biophysical Society Meeting and the American Physical Society March Meeting. Our most important event is the BSC Annual Meeting in May, immediately after Victoria Day. This is a 3-day event which starts with a Trainee Symposium and features talks from international and Canadian biophysicists at all career levels and a very engaging poster session. It is also an excellent opportunity to forge and renew connections within a diverse and dynamic community, and we hope you will join us at a future meeting! Please sign up for membership – it’s very affordable! – so we can keep you informed about events and opportunities of relevance to Canadian biophysicists.
– Claudiu Gradinaru, President of BSC
When joining the BSC, you become a member of a diverse community of biophysics researchers across Canada. The BSC actively encourages biophysical research by fostering connections and collaboration among Canadian Biophysicists, creating a vibrant network where ideas and knowledge are shared.
One of the BSC’s primary missions is to support and advance the careers of Canada’s emerging Biophysicists. We are deeply invested in nurturing the next generation of professionals in this field. As a member, you’ll stay informed about the BSC’s ongoing activities, events, and opportunities through our regular newsletters.
The funds collected from your membership fees are chiefly dedicated to supporting trainees through travel grants and awards. Additionally, these funds contribute to promoting biophysics in Canada by sponsoring various events, including the BSC’s annual meeting and networking events tailored to Canadian Biophysicists.
as of 2023
starting 2015
in our organization
BSC 2024 will be held from May 21-24 at l’Université de Montréal in Quebec. We hope to see all of our members there! Make sure you check our site regularly to register before the deadline.
The Biophysical Society of Canada has been connecting biophysicists across Canada since 1985 through annual meetings, events, awards and programs to develop, grow and enrich Canadian biophysics research.
For more information or questions about the BSC, please contact Claudiu Gradinaru.
For website related questions, please contact Isaac Li.