Donate to the BSC

Donations to the Biophysical Society of Canada are always welcome. We use funds to support the development of trainees through sponsorships, events and travel grants.

Thank You for Your Support

Become a Donor Today

Donations to the Biophysical Society of Canada (BSC) are welcomed. Donations are typically used to support the training of both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as post-doctoral fellows. The BSC provides travel grants for trainees to attend meetings – the annual meetings of both the BSC and the US Biophysical Society. The BSC also supports trainees by sponsoring poster and seminar awards at the annual meeting of the BSC.

If you are interested in supporting a particular initiative within the BSC, please indicate the initiative in the text box when donating via our online form and/or contact the President of the BSC.

Donation Form

Please use the following form to donate to the Biophysical Society of Canada. If you run into any issues, please connect with our team here.

General Donation
Mailing Address
Mailing Address
Street Address
Apt./Building/Suite #
Donation Amount
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How Would You Like to Process Your Donation?

Payments by Cheque or E-Transfer should be sent to:
Danielle Tokarz, Department of Chemistry, Saint Mary’s University, Science S510, 923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 3C3.


Your membership will be activated manually once your payment has been received.
