Future BSC Meetings

Information of future meetings and calls for meeting proposals

Upcoming BSC meetings

The annual meetings of the Biophysical Society of Canada provide a unique opportunity for trainees and researchers in academia and industry to learn about the most recent advances in biophysics through invited lectures and talks/posters delivered by trainees, as well as exhibits by companies. Furthermore, these meetings also allow the local organizers to showcase their research strengths, institution and city.

Scheduled upcoming Annual BSC Meetings are listed below:

10th BSC Annual Meeting: May 20-23, 2025, Hamilton, ON

11th BSC Annual Meeting: May 19-22, 2026, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Call for 2027 Meeting Proposal

The BSC Annual Meeting is organized by BSC members for the benefit of the diverse biophysical research community in Canada. The BSC relies upon the contributions of its members, i.e. you, to contribute and guide the scientific direction of future Annual Meetings. The Annual Meeting usually starts on the Wednesday following Victoria Day and continuing until Friday, preceded by the Trainee Symposium on Tuesday. Typically, the opening reception occurs on Tuesday evening, the poster session is scheduled on the Wednesday, while the banquet dinner concludes Thursday evening.

The BSC will support conference organizers by providing a lightweight planning kit and guiding them throughout the process.

Proposals to host the 2027 Annual Meetings and beyond should be received at least two years in advance, ideally by May 1st, 2025. Please keep in mind that we strive to make the Annual Meetings travel coast to coast and avoid hosting the meeting more than twice consecutively in Central Canada (ON-QC). For a list of past meetings, please visit the past meetings page.

If you are interested in hosting the Annual Meeting, please contact the BSC President (Claudiu Gradinaru claudiu.gradinaru@utoronto.ca) and/or the Meetings Coordinator (Vincent Tabard-Cossa vincent@tcossalab.net) and provide the location of the meeting, a list of your co-organizers (typically 2-3 colleagues from your institution), a description of the scientific fields you will want to emphasize and suggested Keynote speakers. BSC Members from all institutions across Canada are encouraged to support their Society by organizing and hosting Annual Meetings at their home institutions. Please feel free to also simply contact us to discuss this possibility informally.

Revenue generated from Annual Meetings will support BSC’s efforts to promote biophysics-related activities in Canada and trainee-led events and awards.