Principle Investigator Award: Early Career Investigator Award

The BSC Early Career Investigator Award recognizes emerging leaders that have made outstanding contributions to their field.


BSC Early Career Investigator Award

The BSC recognizes the achievements of early career investigators through the Early Career Investigator Award (previously the Young Investigator Award). Recipients are researchers who, within the first 10 years of obtaining an independent position, have made outstanding contributions to biophysics while working at a Canadian University (or other Canadian research institution), and who are emerging as leaders in their field.


Isaac Li

Dr. Li’s research focuses on quantitative mechanobiology, developing methods to visualize molecular force in live cells and creating novel mechanosensitive DNA nanostructures that could precisely control cellular motility and mechanosensitivity.

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Justin MacCallum

Justin MacCallum

Dr. MacCallum combines theoretical, computational, and wet-laboratory-based techniques to establish an integrative structural biology program aimed at enhancing our understanding of protein structure and functions.

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Trushar Patel

Dr. Trushar Patel’s pioneering research has provided insights into the communication of human proteins and viral nucleic acids central to viral infection

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David Sivak

Dr. Sivak’s interdisciplinary work has bridged the gap between theory and experiments to understand the inner workings of molecular machines and provide answers to fundamental questions in the evolutionary optimization of biomolecular structure and function.

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Sabrina Leslie

Dr. Leslie has pioneered and perfected a new type of molecular imaging modality named CliC (Convex Lens-Induced Confinement), allowing long-time observations of large numbers of individual molecules in natural conditions.

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Eligibility: The nominee must be within ten years of their first independent research position (excluding leaves of absence) at the time of the nomination. The nominee must be working at a Canadian university (or other Canadian research institution), in any subfield of biophysics. BSC membership is not required, but encouraged.

Nomination Process: Any member of the Biophysical Society of Canada who is in good standing can nominate a deserving candidate for the Early Career Investigator Award by e-mailing a nomination package to the BSC Awards Committee by August 1st of each year.

Complete nomination packages must be sent to Trushar Patel. Only nominations received by the deadline will be reviewed and ranked through votes by the executives of the Biophysical Society of Canada. Nominations in all areas of biophysics are welcome. The nomination package must include:

  • A one page cover letter from the nominator
  • A current CV of the nominee
  • Two supporting letters from arms-length biophysicists different from the nominator

Adjudication & Presentation: The Early Career Investigator Award recipients are chosen by the BSC Executive based on recommendations from the Awards Committee, which provides an initial ranking based on the following selection criteria:

  • Research excellence demonstrated during their independent research position at a Canadian university (or other Canadian research institution), as judged from publications, conference presentations, and establishment of an active research group with advanced training in biophysics
  • Research impact, as judged from high-impact and highly cited publications, invited talks, national and international awards and grants
  • Research leadership, as judged from the reputation in their sub-field, development of new research areas and research methodologies, active collaborations, editorial and peer-reviewing activities, organization of conferences, workshops, and symposia

The Early Career Investigator Award winner is recognized at the Annual meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada with a plaque and is also selected for a plenary lecture. An honorarium of $300 is provided, along with a contribution towards travel expenses to attend the BSC Annual Meeting. One award per year is offered. The Biophysical Society of Canada is committed to upholding the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and will apply these principles to adjudication of this award.