Sponsors & Exhibitors for the BSC

The Biophysical Society of Canada welcomes exhibitors and sponsors to our annual meetings and events.

Sponsorship Packages

10th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada

May 20–23, 2025, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Below are the sponsorship packages available for the BSC 2025 meeting in Hamilton.  Alternative contributions are welcome. If these packages do not meet the needs of your organization, please contact the Lead Local Organizer for BSC2025 (Cécile Fradi: fradin@mcmaster.ca) and/or the BSC Meetings Coordinator (Vincent Tabard-Cossa; vincent@tcossalab.net) to discuss additional options.

Type of Sponsorship:BronzeSilver*Gold*Platinum**
Level of Sponsorship:$750$1,500$2,500$5000
Logo on website
Logo in sponsors section of booklet
Name on-screen in session room
Recognized as a sponsor of the poster sessions
Two (2) registrations (includes poster sessions, coffee breaks, the opening mixer and the conference banquet). Additional personnel must register separately.
Vendor booth*
Recognized as a sponsor of a coffee break
Half page in the program
10 min talk before the start of the afternoon session (during lunch break) – optional
Full page in the program
Recognized as a sponsor of the banquet
15 min contributed R&D-focused presentation during the regular session
* limited quantity on a first-come, first-served basis
** limited quantity – please contact the lead local organizer to discuss the Platinum level

Exhibit Booths

10th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada

May 20–23, 2025, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada​

A limited number of exhibit booths are available for as low as $1,500 each (Silver sponsorship level) and will be booked on a first-paid, first-served basis, so we encourage you to contact us early.

As an Exhibitor, you are entitled to two complementary meeting registrations for the BSC meeting.  The two complimentary registrations includes:

  • Attendance at all lectures and poster sessions
  • Attendance at the Tuesday (May 20) BSC mixer and Wednesday evening (May 21) poster sessions (food and drinks) – additional tickets sold separately.
  • Attendance at the Thursday evening (May 22) BSC Conference Banquet – additional tickets sold separately.

Exhibit booths, which include a 6’ table and two chairs, will be in a central location for the entire Meeting, where exhibitors will have ample opportunities to be seen by and interact with the participants of the Meeting, anticipated to be up to 200 (floor layout will be provided closer to the event date). Coffee breaks between sessions will be held in the exhibit area for maximizing interactions with Meeting participants.

Your contributions to the BSC meeting will be acknowledged in several ways depending on the sponsorship level:

  • Company logo on the web page, conference booklet and on-screen in room session;
  • Hyperlink to company home page;
  • Sponsors acknowledged during the coffee breaks, mixer and/or banquet
  • Booth in the exhibition hall (near the coffee breaks and posters)
  • And much more!

Set-up will be in the morning on Wednesday, May 21 (starting at 8:00 a.m.) and the exhibit will end at 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 22. A Floor plan showing the layout of the exhibit booth in the building venue will be provided closer to the meeting date. 

Sponsorship & Exhibit Form

Please fill out the following form for sponsors and exhibits.

Which level of sponsorship would you like to provide?
If you have a custom sponsorship amount or an add-on that was discussed with the BSC Meeting Organizing Committee, please select “Custom” so you can enter this amount into the next field.

Maximum file size: 6MB

Sponsor Address
Sponsor Address
Province / State
Postal Code / ZIP

Payment Method
You have chosen to pay by cheque. Please make your cheque payable to: Biophysical Society of Canada. All amounts must be in Canadian funds.

Please mail to:
Danielle Tokarz
Department of Chemistry
Saint Mary’s University
Science S510
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS, Canada
B3H 3C3

You have chosen to pay by E-Transfer. Payments can be made to danielle.tokarz@smu.ca only with Canadian banking institutes and with Canadian funds.
You have chosen to pay by credit card. You will be prompted to enter your credit card information for payment, to be processed by Stripe.