BSC Trainee Executive

Expand the biophysics culture in Canada through trainee engagement, leading the next generation of biophysicists.

Trainee Executive of the BSC

The BSC Trainee Executive comprises a diverse group of young biophysical researchers from across the country. The primary goal of the BSC Trainee Executive is to engage trainees and to preserve and expand the biophysics culture in Canada.

One of the main initiatives of the BSC Trainee Executive is the yearly BSC Trainee Symposium which is held at the beginning of the annual BSC Meeting. This initiative provides an opportunity for trainees to present their work in oral presentations, network with other trainees and established researchers as well as gain perspectives on scientific careers outside of academia through networking interactions with a diverse group of guest speakers. The specific themes of the symposium vary from year to year depending on the preferences and opinions voiced by trainees, however, two important aims persist. First, is the opportunity for high quality trainees to share their research. Second, trainees are exposed to the diverse career opportunities that are available in the field of biophysics.

The BSC Trainee Executive is eager to plan and lead trainee-focused activities and initiatives. The Executive is receptive to new members who have a passion for expanding biophysics in Canada. Please take a closer look at the BSC Trainee Executive members by reading below!

Current Members

President and VP:


Social Media

Senior Officers


Vishal Pandya


Memorial University of Newfoundland

Read BiographyI am a PhD student in the department of biochemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland. My research project is on structure-based identification of human farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase inhibitors under the supervision of Dr. Jaeok Park. To facilitate my research, the two primary methods I am using are molecular dynamics simulations, and X-ray crystallography. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, camping, travelling, playing volleyball, watching movies and organizing social events.

Alaa Al-Shaer

Vice President

Simon Fraser University

Read Biography I am a PhD candidate in the Molecular Biology and Biochemistry department at Simon Fraser University, working with Dr. Nancy Forde. My research interests lie in understanding protein structure-function relations. Specifically, how molecular footprints in collagen’s triple helix give rise to its characteristic higher order structure. I use atomic force microscopy to study the effect of environmental changes on the mechanical properties and assembly of collagen. Outside of the lab, I enjoy working in my own lab (my kitchen), hiking, and playing volleyball.

Members At Large

Sarika Kumari

Member at Large

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Read BiographyI am Sarika I have completed my MSc from the University of Saskatchewan. I am currently a Ph.D. student at the Memorial University working under the supervision of Dr. Valerie Booth. My research work focuses on how antimicrobial peptide interacts with whole cell bacteria using solid-state NMR Spectroscopy technique. In my free time, I love to play badminton and explore new events in town.

MacAulay Harvey

Member at Large

Saint Mary’s University

Read BiographyI am currently an honours student in physics at Saint Mary’s University under the supervision of Dr. Richard Cisek and Dr. Danielle Tokarz. My research project is investigating how the nonlinear properties of certain optical fibers can be used to create a wavelength tunable laser source for nonlinear optical microscopy. This will allow us to investigate the wavelength dependence of nonlinear optical phenomena in various samples. In my free time I enjoy Hiking, playing chess, and reading.

Benjamin Baylis

Member at Large

University of Guelph

Read BiographyI am a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Guelph working in the Dutcher lab. I obtained my PhD in Biophysics from the University of Guelph studying a novel nanoparticle, phytoglycogen, which is naturally produced by corn. Using atomic force microscopy, I investigated the morphology and mechanical properties of phytoglycogen nanoparticles and was able to visualize their underlying dendritic architecture as well as quantify the effect of hydration and different size-reducing modifications. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, playing sports, camping and fishing.

    Toka Hussein

    Member at Large

    University of Ottawa

    Read BiographyI am a PhD student in the Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology department at the University of Ottawa, working with Dr. John Baenziger. My research is focused on understanding the lipid modulation of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels using electrophysiology techniques and structural biology. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, watching movies, and board games!

      Luis Ramirez Ramirez

      Member at Large

      Simon Fraser University

      Read BiographyI am currently a MSc. Physics student at Simon Fraser University working in Professor Nancy Forde’s lab. My research focus on the development of instrumentation to perform single molecule measurements; right now, we are working on a instrument that merge magnetic tweezers with TIRF microscopy. When I am surrounded by nature, I feel comfortable; so, naturally I like to do outdoor activities like hiking, and camping. I also enjoy yoga, dancing, reading, music and a good conversation.

        Hanieh Rezasoltani

        Member at Large

        University of Manitoba

        Read BiographyI am a Ph.D. candidate in the department of chemistry at the University of Manitoba under the supervision of Dr. Mazdak Khajehpour. I have an MSc in polymer engineering in the field of using proteins in industrial applications. My current research project focus on using spectrometric and NMR techniques to investigate salt effects on protein oligomerization using a model protein. Outside of the lab, I like to be attending different cultural events and be familiar with various cultures. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, reading novels, and swimming.
        We Are Grateful to Our Past Trainees

        Former Members

        As the Biophysical Society of Canada grows, we want to thank the volunteer trainees that have helped lead us to the next phase of our Society. Thank you to the following trainees who have helped shape the Trainee Executive you see now, and for their unwavering support throughout the years.