Expand the biophysics culture in Canada through trainee engagement, leading the next generation of biophysicists.
The BSC Trainee Executive comprises a diverse group of young biophysical researchers from across the country. The primary goal of the BSC Trainee Executive is to engage trainees and to preserve and expand the biophysics culture in Canada.
One of the main initiatives of the BSC Trainee Executive is the yearly BSC Trainee Symposium which is held at the beginning of the annual BSC Meeting. This initiative provides an opportunity for trainees to present their work in oral presentations, network with other trainees and established researchers as well as gain perspectives on scientific careers outside of academia through networking interactions with a diverse group of guest speakers. The specific themes of the symposium vary from year to year depending on the preferences and opinions voiced by trainees, however, two important aims persist. First, is the opportunity for high quality trainees to share their research. Second, trainees are exposed to the diverse career opportunities that are available in the field of biophysics.
The BSC Trainee Executive is eager to plan and lead trainee-focused activities and initiatives. The Executive is receptive to new members who have a passion for expanding biophysics in Canada. Please take a closer look at the BSC Trainee Executive members by reading below!
President and VP:
Social Media
Senior Officers
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Simon Fraser University
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Saint Mary’s University
University of Guelph
University of Ottawa
Simon Fraser University
University of Manitoba
As the Biophysical Society of Canada grows, we want to thank the volunteer trainees that have helped lead us to the next phase of our Society. Thank you to the following trainees who have helped shape the Trainee Executive you see now, and for their unwavering support throughout the years.
The Biophysical Society of Canada has been connecting biophysicists across Canada since 1985 through annual meetings, events, awards and programs to develop, grow and enrich Canadian biophysics research.
For more information or questions about the BSC, please contact Claudiu Gradinaru.
For website related questions, please contact Isaac Li.