Cory Campbell
PhD candidate in Biochemistry at Concordia University
Supervisor Dr. Peter Pawelek, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Concordia University
Work presented: Biophysical Approaches in the Development of a Coupled Glucosyltransferase Assay Employing E. coli UDP-Glucose Dehydrogenase
Abdullah Khan
MSc candidate in Chemistry, Concordia University
Supervisors: Dr. Christine DeWolf, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Concordia University and Dr. Antonella Badia, Départment de Chimie at Université de Montréal
Work presented: Impact of nanoparticles on lung surfactant functioning
Claire Zhao
PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Supervisor: Dr. Raimond L. Winslow, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Work presented: Mechanisms of Phosphodiesterase Interactions in Cardiac Cyclic Nucleotide Cross- Talk Signaling Network